Original Content: Business Upside
Wiener Netze, the energy network provider is making use of Sharp’s Windows collaboration display so that it can extend remote collaborations opportunities that are safe. To guarantee and strengthen the future energy supplies in a secured manner in Austria, Wiener Netze has invested €300 million every year to expand its networks in the renewable energy sector.
Wiener Netze sets the highest security standards
Wiener Netze is well known for upholding the security standards of the highest order so that it can protect sensitive systems and data which guarantees an uninterrupted power supply.
The company has been maintaining the conventional mode of face-to-face meeting options by making use of digital technologies with a cautious approach. But with the Covid-19 pandemic 2020, the company must rethink the way it operates so that the business could adapt well to the present conditions prevailing in the market.