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The Power of Positive Thinking

Original Content- Business Upside

Most people live their life in a habit. They think the same thoughts, they perform the same actions they live by the same emotions but they secretly expect their lives to change. But how one thinks, how one acts, and how one feels is their personality. The personality is known to create one’s personal reality. So let’s suppose that an average person thinks sixty to seventy thousand fleeting thoughts in a day and almost ninety percent of those thoughts are similar to the day before, same thoughts always lead to the same choices and the same choices always lead to the same behaviors. The same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences produce the same emotions. Those same emotions then drive the very same thoughts, thus pushing one into a perpetual cycle of monotony. So the hardest part about change, in creating the life one wants or being defined by a vision of the future instead of a memory of the past is not making the choices that one did the day before. The unknown is the perfect place to create from. The void, the unpredictability, the uncertainty create a sense of discomfort which propels others to grow.

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