Original Content- Business Upside
The Dow gained its best in a month since 1976, ending the month up 14% even after falling almost 130 points on October 31. This is the Dow’s highest monthly gain in over 45 years, when it gained the best in January 1976.
Companies Trading Record High The S&P 500 dropped by almost 20% this year and closed down 0.8% on the last day of October. Nasdaq also remained 30% lower this year and was 1% down on Monday. Though, October has gone quite well for both indexes. S&P 500 rose 8%, whereas Nasdaq was up around 4%. Another one that can’t remain not-talked-on is Hershey, the candy maker, making an all-time high trade this Halloween and up by almost 25% in 2022. Apart from Hershey, the gainers’ list consists of healthcare firms and oil stocks such as Chevron, Amgen, and Merck. Read More