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Some Lesser-Known Facts about Notre Dame Cathedral

The French capital's medieval cathedral church is called Notre Dame de Paris. It is still a major tourist destination and a well-known architectural landmark from that era. The enchanted Gothic architecture of Notre Dame Cathedral draws between 12 and 14 million tourists annually from all around the world.  Situated at the eastern extremity of Ile de la Cite, the notable structure is towering because of its size and age. It was constructed on the foundations of two previous churches. Pope Alexander III set the groundwork for the construction of the new structure in 1163, following the concept of Parisian bishop Maurice de Sully in 1160. 

The Growing Popularity of the Cathedral of Notre Dame

Victor Hugo's 1831 historical novel of the same name made the Notre Dame cathedral extremely well-known during the nineteenth century. The restorations were purportedly inspired by the novel, which took place in the cathedral. Several important historical and religious relics can be found at one of France's most popular historical monuments. The Crown of Thorns, which was purportedly worn by Jesus during his crucifixion, is one such relic. The constant stream of tourists throughout the year attests to the architectural wonder's popularity as a tourist destination.

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