Original Content: Business Upside
Billionaires gain global recognition because of their wealth, and as success breeds success, the band of billionaires keeps discovering new ways of boosting their wealth. Moreover, new billionaires make to the list more often than before because of the dramatic rise of cryptocurrencies that can change fortunes overnight. We had seen numerous instances when non-descript new-age investors with the gambler’s instinct zoomed into the billionaire club because of their crypto connections. Either they own or mine cryptocurrencies, trade in it, or crypto- entrepreneurs like Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of the crypto exchange Binance who joined the rank of world’s top billionaires in early January. According to reports, his net worth touched $96 billion. Cryptocurrency is attracting the rich and famous like flies to the fire, and they do not mind wasting a few million dollars in their pursuit of the digital gold rush.