Original Content- Business Upside
That one good thing leads to another has been the experience of Sir Chris Hohn, the British billionaire who is more known as an avid climate activist investor today. The billionaire’s belief in giving back to society turned him into a philanthropist early in his life. In 2003, he founded Chris Hohn TCI holdings, a hedge fund that diverted its profits to The Children’s Investment Fund Management (TCI) to help achieve the philanthropic goals of the billionaire. The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) is the world’s largest philanthropy created to improve the lives of poverty-stricken children in developing nations. The organization has been championing children for almost two decades.
Considered as one of the most generous philanthropists outside the US in 2019 by Forbes, Sir Chris Hohn turned into a prolific contributor to the cause of climate change. It was a logical extension of his philanthropic goals. Although he began his philanthropic journey by working for children, later, he expanded his vision. He set new goals for addressing climate change issues to improve the environment of the planet. He made immense money from the financial markets, much more than any of the world’s most successful professionals managing hedge funds. Besides increasing his monetary wealth, Sir Chris ensured that he channelized funds to fulfill his current philanthropic goals on climate change.